Enjoy percentage allocation money management (PAMM) solution by partnering with Vantage.

PAMM is a system where a professional account manager carries out trading services for clients.
The account manager is the Investment manager, while the clients are Investors.

How PAMM Works?

Typically, when investors trade independently, they often encounter difficulties since their capital might be insufficient for a particular trading strategy. With PAMM, this hurdle is overcome by pooling funds from various investors, enough for any trading strategy. Investors can, in turn, receive a prorated profit from any investment strategy employed by the Investment Manager.

For the Investment Manager, PAMM enables them to pool sizeable funds from Investors and earn a performance fee. They also get to trade with a large capital than they would if they were to trade with their funds.
Typically, their profits are shared based on the investors’ contributed amount as a percentage of the PAMM account’s capital.


Why Choose PAMM Account?

Vantage helps fund managers aggregate investments from different clients into a single trading account. They are also free to control their performance fee and rewards to the marketing and introducing agents.

Features of PAMM

  • The onboarding process is automated.
  • Investor accounts no longer have rounding problems in terms of trade allocations.
  • No more mismatch in entry and exit prices for master and investor accounts
  • Complete control over trading decisions for the fund manager and total transparency for the investor
  • Flexibility in performance fees and commissions
  • The fee payment is fully automated coupled with high watermark level accounting.
  • Fund managers can admit unlimited investors
  • Access to web-based interface
  • A fund manager can manage accounts with EAs

How To Become a Partner?

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